Adrian Biagioli
- Class of 2020
I am currently a student at CMU’s School of Computer Science, with minors in Game Design and Animation & Special effects. I like to create interactive 3D experiences and research new ways to promote interaction between users and their devices. With new advances in VR and AR, I am excited to see what new levels of presence can be achieved.
As Director of Development at GCS from 2016-2019, I helped develop the course materials for/teach the GCS StuCo, helped run the GCS Pitch Fair, and assisted teams with technical issues. Currently I am a TA for CMU's 15-462 Computer Graphics. I have additionally worked as a TA for CMU's 15-122 Principles of Imperative Computation. During Summer 2019, I worked at Apple as an intern.
Currently the majority of my personal projects are in the Unity game engine. I am currently exploring the fields of interactive design (that is, the interaction between humans and their devices, specifically in 3D applications) and computer graphics (rendering techniques to create convincing virtual worlds). Check out my Personal Blog and my Github to browse my work!
Find me here:
My GCS Games
Updated November 15, 2020