<h1>L I M I N A L</h1> [[Credits->Liminal - Credits M]] <script>document.getElementsByClassName('clickableHouseWrapper')[0].style.visibility = 'visible';</script> [[<h3>Escape the Cold</h3>->Liminal - Monolith1]]
Helena Yang George Whitfield Catherine Wang Nellie Tonev An Tang Chelsea Liu Grace Li Hayoon Choi Dominic Calkosz [[Back->Liminal - Monolith]] <script>document.getElementsByClassName('clickableHouseWrapper')[0].style.visibility = 'hidden';</script>
<h1>L I M I N A L</h1> No response. Snow flies into the room, carried by a gust of wind. You shield your face and [[push the door shut->Liminal - Monolith3]].
<h1>L I M I N A L</h1> Enveloped in darkness, you feel your way towards the lamp. Your footsteps against the cold floor echo through an unknown space. Three paces in, they soften to a light crunch. Hardwood meets your outstretched hand, and you [[search blindly for the cord->Liminal - Monolith4]].
<h1>L I M I N A L</h1> Cool metal meets your fingertips. A few inches up, you find the beaded cord and [[give it a firm pull->Liminal - Monolith5]].
<h1>L I M I N A L</h1> <i>(Click on a room to continue)</i><script>document.body.classList.add("light-theme");</script>
<h1>L I M I N A L</h1> The door creaks as you push it open and step inside. A narrow slice of the dark interior is illuminated by the porch light behind you. A brown bearskin rug hugs the floor. Behind it stands a tall wooden desk. A service bell glints in the light next to a faded lampshade. [["Hello?"->Liminal - Monolith2]]